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Luoyang Declaration

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2009 年 4 月 16 日 星期    【打印】  
Luoyang Declaration
Federation of International Philately ( April 15, 2009 )
  Stamp is a common world language that transcends national boundaries, nationalities and customs and connects people together through friendship.

  Luoyang is a thousand-year imperial capital and a city of peony that represents the soul of Chinese cultures and exhibits the grace of the peony, the queen of flowers. Luoyang is a place endowed with fine spirits of the universe and blessed with a long history.

  China 2009 World Stamp Exhibition is held in Luoyang, an ancient yet modern famous historical and cultural city.

  The exhibition presents the stamp collectors with a colorful volume of arts and composes a magnificent chapter of happiness, equality, exchange, harmony, peace, progress and development for the people throughout the world. Out of such happiness, we hereby make the following solemn declaration on behalf of the stamp collectors throughout the world:

  For the peace, friendship and love in the world, we will carry forward the philately, a beneficial activity that has lasted for one hundred years. We will make stamps become messengers between different nations, nationalities and languages, and carry forward the credibility of postal services through philately.

  For the holiness and sanctity of arts, we will set aside differences in politics, religions, races, cultures and wealth, and express our broad vision and all-inclusive aesthetic values embodied in small stamps.

  For the essence and elegance of philately, we will translate the common pursuit of human beings for freedom, democracy, peace and wealth into the highest ideal of philately.

  For the development and future of philately, we will keep innovating, bring philately into modern life as an element of fashion and vitality, and advocate openness and tolerance in philately.

  We collect history in order to create history. We inherit civilization in order to develop civilization. We travel around the five Continents on a small stamp, and we also pray for peaceful navigations across the four Oceans in the world. We enjoy the fun of philately and we wish for peace and happiness for the people around the world.

  We need to remember Luoyang and give credit to the Peony, as they witness the common aspirations of stamp collectors and carry the dreams and hopes of the people for philately. From here, the philately will march toward new splendor.

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